Tuesday 12 August 2014

I am still off for the summer but......

I can't remember if I updated that little baby Shea lost his battle with EB and died in July. How terrible and unfair and sad.
His parents held a funeral for him and put together this slide show. Warning it is very sad and took me 3 tries to get through the whole thing.


Lots of love for Christy and Brynn - my heart goes out to you

Tuesday 24 June 2014

So sunburnt

Spent the weekend watching my oldest (J) play baseball. I applied the normal SPF 45 to all exposed parts of my skin and headed off to the park with my hair down. When I got there I put my hair up in a pony tail - hot and humid means no hair down - but forgot to apply sun screen to the area of my back that the hair covers. The result? BURNT . Ouch!
And then I had to spend the entire next day out in the full blazing sun with an already tended back. Double ouch

bring on the aloe vera

Monday 23 June 2014

words are funny

The word "solemn" always throws me. It never looks like how I think it is supposed to be spelled.


adjective \ˈsä-ləm\

: very serious or formal in manner, behavior, or expression
: sad and serious
: done or made sincerely

Origin of SOLEMN

Middle English solempne, from Anglo-French, from Latinsollemnis regularly appointed, solemn
First Known Use: 14th century

other words I enjoy



 noun \ˈtra-vərs also -ˌvərs, especially for 6 & 8 also trə-ˈ or tra-ˈ\

Definition of TRAVERSE

:  something that crosses or lies across
:  a formal denial of a matter of fact alleged by the opposing party in a legal pleading
a :  a compartment or recess formed by a partition, curtain, or screen
b :  a gallery or loft providing access from one side to another in a large building
:  a route or way across or over: as
a :  a zigzag course of a sailing ship with contrary winds
b :  a curving or zigzag way up a steep grade
c :  the course followed in traversing
:  the act or an instance of traversing :  crossing
:  a protective projecting wall or bank of earth in a trench
a :  a lateral movement (as of the saddle of a lathe carriage);also :  a device for imparting such movement
b :  the lateral movement of a gun about a pivot or on a carriage to change direction of fire
:  a line surveyed across a plot of ground

Origin of TRAVERSE

Middle English travers, from Anglo-French travers (as in a travers, de travers across), from Latin transversum (as inin transversum set crosswise), neuter of transversus lying across; senses 5–9 in part from 2traverse — more attransverse
First Known Use: 14th century



 noun \kri-ˈvas\
: a deep, narrow opening or crack in an area of thick ice or rock

Full Definition of CREVASSE

:  a breach in a levee
:  a deep crevice or fissure (as in a glacier or the earth)

Origin of CREVASSE

French, from Old French crevace
First Known Use: 1813

Friday 20 June 2014

How true is this?

Both have happened to me in life but not #2 for a while. I have learned since having children that they get up at 7am in the morning no matter when you go to bed........

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Scrap book challenge

This is for a challenge with Creative Scrappers. (so if you don't scrapbook you can ignore). I saw the sketch and new I had the perfect picture of Honey.


Friday 13 June 2014

The Oatmeal

The comic writer the Oatmeal may be the funniest guy ever.
Check his web site out (I am seriously thinking of buying a t-shirt)


I believe in the RainBlerchBow
I made a pie chart about why dieting is hard

Tuesday 10 June 2014

June - Bane of my exsistence

June - it used to just be just another month on the calendar pre kids.

Now it is a non stop flat out run kind of month. We've got baseball 3 days a week and tons of fun end of the year stuff planned. At least the weather is good right????

Where we live the teachers are voting to go on strike which means that we have to stuff 3 weeks worth of school stuff into 4 days. The kids are excited about the strike but I wonder how excited J will be when he has to come to work with me for the next 3 weeks??